
Emmecosta – Thousands of Me

Die drei Jungs von EMMECOSTA haben uns ja schon den einen oder anderen Ohrwurm verpasst. Nun bekommt ihr letzter Streich THOUSANDS OF ME das passende Gewandt. Der Regisseur Edward John Drake hat seine 8mm Kamera rausgeholt und in Los Angeles das Video dazu gedreht. Im Stil eines Kurzfilms wird die Geschichte eines Vaters erzählt, der durch eine spirituelle Sitzung versucht, Kontakt mit seiner ermordeten Tochter aufzunehmen. Großartig!

Low and behold one hell of a song. It’s that rare diamond in the rough, a story coming from a place of aching memory & feeling. Claudio’s vocals feel ethereal, like a voice coming from the other side. The good fortune of allowing the track to sit with me for a while gave me this intense vision for a story it could tell; a grieving father trying to reach his deceased daughter through a modern séance. Arms akimbo and floating through the scene on her own energy, Lady intended her visit to be a way to bring her father peace, but I feel in any situation like that, a father would be even more spurred on to find her killer than before. 8mm was chosen as a simple stylistic choice, something to capture that forlorn place of memory the themes of the song comes from. Emmecosta are a special team of musicians, I want to thank them for trusting me with the track.  – Edward John Drake