
Crooks & Nannies – Sorry

Nach erfolgreicher Tour als Support für Lucy Dacus machen Crooks & Nannies keine Pause. Madel Rafter und Sam Huntington haben Blut geleckt und stecken voller Energie. Deshalb gibt es jetzt neue Songs. ‚Sorry‘ ist der erste Song aus der kommenden EP. ‚Sorry‘ ist ein autobiografischer Track, was uns Sam erklärt: „Sorry is the first and only song I’ve written entirely in one sitting. I recorded a demo immediately afterward, and the final vocal is still the take from that demo. It came to me in 2018, at an incredibly overwhelming and unstable time in my life – I had recently made the decision to stop ignoring the fact that I was transgender but was struggling to grapple with what that meant for me personally, and was feeling a lot of frustration toward myself for not having figured it out. Simultaneously, I found myself single for the first time in years and without the self-understanding to forge structures and supports i had, until that point, found in other people. I was in over my head, looking for strength in the wrong places and having an increasingly difficult time seeing a future for myself.“