
Tender Glue – Sad Sometimes

Ein guter Song zeichnet einfach aus, dass er authentisch ist. Deshalb bin ich froh die Musik von Tender Glue für mich entdeckt zu haben. Dieses Attribut haben tatsächlich alle seine Songs. Die neue Single ‚Sad Sometimes‘ beweist das wieder einmal eindrucksvoll, wenn Tom Gluewicki die ersten Zeilen singt: „Sometimes I wanna kill myself. But someday I’m gonna die anyway. So why wouldn’t I just stay for a while“.

Über den Song verrät er noch folgendes: “Sad Sometimes starts off with a negative tone of dark thoughts and the pointlessness of everything, but quickly resolves with a slower, more positive ending. The second part of the song gradually emerges into a more comforting feeling that even though there are times when nothing makes sense, there are still many important little things that lift my spirit and happiness that I want to concentrate on more often.”