
Cosmorat – S.A.D L.U.V

Die neue und bereits zweite Cosmorat Single ‚S.A.D L.U.V‘ ist ein typischer Coming-Of-Age Song. Hier blickt Sängerin und Songwriterin Taylor Pollock auf ihre Kindheit und ihre Jugend zurück: „I remember hitting puberty and having attention from boys and men that were way too old for me, which made me embarrassed by my body. I would cover up and awkwardly laugh. Then, when I started rejecting the inappropriate comments, I became known as hysterical and over-emotional. There was a very specific turning point for me where I felt that even when I was happy, I couldn’t experience it fully as there was always something I thought I was lacking. “Couldn’t take a compliment, took everything too seriously, covered up too much, didn’t show enough”. Zusammen mit Bandkollege Olly Liu verpackt sie die Erfahrungen mit einem spielerisch wirkenden Indie Pop.