

Bevor am 13. Oktober das neue TOMI Album ‚Late Bloomer‘ erscheint, versüßt uns die talentierte Songwriterin die Wartezeit mit ihrer neuen Single ‚NUN‘. Darin legt TOMI wieder einmal alles was sie hat in den Song. In ‚NUN‘ verarbeitet sie ein einschneidendes Erlebnis, was sie uns näher erklärt: „I grew up catholic going to church every Sunday and catholic school during the week. When I came out as a lesbian I carried a lot of shame and guilt with me, I was living in New York City and was feeling the chaos of dating and heartbreak and partying. I was starting to fall in love with a woman and my emotions were bonkers. I wrote NUN to cope with those feelings – daydreaming about giving it all up (love, music, chaos) and becoming a NUN.“