
Wax Owls – Overpriced Buffets

Die Wax Owls sind bekannt für ihre epochalen Indie Folk Rock Songs. Auch ihre neue Single ‚Overpriced Buffets‘ geizt nicht mit großen Gesten. Im Song geht es um Träume und dass man nicht zu schnell aufgeben sollte an seinen Träumen zu arbeiten. Sänger Gerry Hirschfeld erklärt uns die Hintergründe: „For both Chris and I, it was the risk of pursuing our passion in music because we were dissatisfied with being lawyers and we would both rather fail doing the thing we love than being ok somewhere we hated. Once we had come to that realization, what could have been a frightening moment, became exciting. We wanted that cathartic excitement to be reflected both in the melody but also the music of the song.”